Born in Québec, Canadian composer Barbara Monk Feldman studied music under Bengt Hambraeus at McGill University in Montreal, and completed her studies under Morton Feldman at New York State University in Buffalo. She and Morton Feldman married in 1987. Between 1988 and 1994, she was guest lecturer and course tutor at Darmstadt Summer School for New Music, the University of the Arts in Berlin, as well as many universities across the U.S. and Canada. Her article Music and the Picture Plane (Contemporary Music Review, 1998) garnered much attention and her compositions have featured at festivals across Europe, Japan and North America, including Inventionen in Berlin, Nieuwe Muziek in Middleburg, Other Minds Music Festival in San Francisco, Toronto New Music, Rotonda in Tokyo and Insel Muisk in Berlin. Her works have been performed by Arditti Quartett, Roger Heaton, Yvar Mikhashoff, Ursula Oppens, Frederic Rzewski, Aki Takahashi, Steven Schick, Robyn Schulkowsky and Jan Williams. Recordings of her works have been made by BBC London, BRT Brussels, CBC Montrel, HR Frankfurt and WDR in Cologne.